My hot take on documenting your pregnancy: it’s not about your baby, it’s about you!
Pretty soon you’ll be consumed with the wonderful new life you’re bringing into this world. Sleep deprived, sure, maybe a bit unsure, but so, so in love with your squishy newborn.
But right now, it’s about you. It’s about honouring just how transformative pregnancy is. Not just the physical changes in your body, but the huge shift in your priorities, and maybe even your beliefs.
How often do we view pregnancy as a means to an end; the arrival of a baby, and not a uniquely profound experience in itself.
How often do we celebrate the unique journeys we have been on, to be right here, on the cusp of motherhood?
You can wait for your newborn photos, sure. Those squishy toes and sleepy smiles need their own moment.
But you’re worth celebrating too. Exactly as you are right now.
How would it feel to allow yourself to take up the space to document yourself, and this journey, right now? In this wonderful and powerful stage you’re in?
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Package prices start at $395. Please contact me for my full pricing and package guide.