Radiant Beginnings: The Magic Behind Maternity Sessions

Falls Creek maternity photography by Coop & Co Creative

When I was organising my own maternity photos, the first question my husband asked me was: why do you need maternity photos? I didn’t really have an answer other than it felt important to document this stage.

A week or so after my son was born I was still holding my belly as if I could still feel him in there. I missed the rolls, the kicks, the punches, the bouncing. This tiny, sleepy human who was now earth side, seemed so different to the karate blackbelt who had ninja kicked my bladder repeatedly just a week earlier. It was a shift from the anticipation and mystery of pregnancy to the palpable love and responsibility of caring for a newborn. Two separate chapters of the same book.

I certainly approached photographing maternity sessions much differently than I do now. Before I became a Mum myself I thought a pregnant mama was amazing and looked beautiful with her growing bump, which feels somewhat superficial now that I know just how transcendent this experience is. Being pregnant carries with it so much vulnerability, but it’s also magical and transformative. How incredible are we to bring life into this world?

Some of my clients have told me they almost waited until their little one was here to get photos And yes, get those squishy newborn photos too (that’s a whole blog post on its own!) but as a mother, you pour so much love, care, and selflessness into your family that it's easy to forget the incredible strength and grace within yourself. Maternity photos are a tangible reminder of the miraculous process your body undergoes and the love you already hold for your unborn child. In those photos, you're not just showcasing the physical changes but also the emotional and spiritual growth that occurs during pregnancy.

So, if you’re on the fence, book in that session. Capture your glow, your joy, and the undeniable connection between you and the precious life growing within. In the whirlwind of sleepless nights and endless baby snuggles, these photos will be a timeless keepsake, reminding you of the incredible journey you took to bring your baby earth side and the profound strength that defines you as a mother.

Jervis Bay maternity photography by Coop & Co Creative
Falls Creek maternity photography by Coop & Co Creative
Falls Creek maternity photography by Coop & Co Creative

What to wear for your session